Vicars Cross United Reformed Church

Exploring the good news of God's love with our community

church garden

We are a friendly church in the hub of our community. 

We offer a very warm welcome to all who come to join us.

Exploring the Good News of 

God's Love with our Community 

Secretary’s Chat.

Well winter certainly seems like it's round the corner but it is December and it is winter, so what do we expect. I am sure you probably feel as I do that we haven't really had a good summer. Do you remember when you could put away your winter clothes and get out your summer togs? I think I have been wearing the same clothes summer and winter. We may not be able to depend on our weather but we can depend on one thing will rain!!                        

 I have good news for you Synod have appointed us our Interim Moderators to help, lead and support us through our time of vacancy. Yes plural we have two. The Elders were delighted to meet with them last week and it was a pleasure to have two for the price of one. We look forward to working with them as they help us navigate through the vacancy process and hopefully obtaining a minister for our church.

The Elders would like to thank one and all for your support and encouragement you give us. We are busy getting ready for our Christmas festivities and looking forward to seeing you at any of the services and activities planned. 

This is a special time of year when Christians everywhere celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We sing those familiar carols and eat loads of mince pies and hopefully you too will experience the love, wonder and joy of just being here in this place. 

On behalf of the Elders, members and friends of Vicars Cross Church may we extend to you an invitation to come along to any of our Christmas Services.

 A warm welcome awaits you.

Every Blessing.

